Seasonal changes are nature’s way of reminding you to pay attention. As you adjust your outer life to acclimate to the changing weather, let’s not forget to shift our inner selves too.
Aligning yourself with nature helps you to live in balance. As you tune in to your thoughts, emotions, and well-being you’ll notice an inner calling ‘to shed’ during the autumn season.
As you come out of the summer months the days become shorter and winds cooler. The leaves start to turn and begin to fall away. Rather than fighting to hold on to them, the trees let them go, knowing that after a period of rest, new growth will appear.
We too can embrace the cycle of letting go, rest, and rejuvenation. Autumn is the time when you can take stock of your life, determining what is serving you well (like a yoga regimen, dedicated meditation time, or evenings spent with friends), and what is not serving your best self (drinking every night, going to bed too late, or succumbing to anxious thoughts).
Time to Let Go
“Be like a tree and let the dead leaves drop.” -Rumi
You may have heard your yoga teacher say something like, “Let go of what no longer serves you” as you move through class. While this common saying speaks truth, have you ever really contemplated what areas of your life might benefit from this idea?
It could mean something as simple as completing an out-breath in any given moment, or as difficult as walking away from an unhealthy habit or personal situation. It is worth investigating and considering the following ways you might shed your dead leaves at this time of year:
Let go of grudges.
Forgive someone.
Be easier on yourself.
Take a break from self-improvement. Spend this season being in love with yourself exactly as you are.
Notice what you complain about most often, then choose to either address the root of the complaint, or vow to stop complaining all together.
Let go of your thoughts and feelings of insecurity. Replace them with affirmations.
Purify your body. Fast, cleanse, or do what is necessary to get your digestion on track.
Stop trying to people-please and putting other people’s needs before your own.
Simplify your schedule. Shed excessive socializing or over-scheduling. Prioritize.
Clear up your clutter. Throw things away. Weed out what’s weighing you down.
Yoga is a powerful way to bring harmony into your physical, emotional and mental well-being. Look at your yoga practice as a way of removing whatever is holding you back from thriving. In this way, you can let go of the unnecessary, in preparation for an abundance of health and vitality.